Event Series Artime


Methodist Church Over The Lanes, Over, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Artime is a friendly self help group that meets twice monthly in The Methodist Hall, The Lanes, Over, CB24 5NQ.   Encompassing all mediums and welcoming all abilities, why not drop in to our next meeting to see what goes on?

Event Series Fibre Craft Group

Fibre Craft Group

Over Community Centre 16 The Doles, Over,, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Do you enjoy textile hobbies? Are you available on Friday mornings? Whether you're an embroiderer, crocheter, knitter, patchworker .......any form of textile artist or crafter really, and whatever level of skill you have, you'd be most welcome to join us in Over Community Centre on Friday mornings from 9.30. Our aim to get together to socialise through our hobbies, hopefully inspiring and helping each other to learn new skills. We meet in the lounge and support the centre by buying our drinks  from the café.

Over WI – 12 Tremendous Trees

Over Community Centre 16 The Doles, Over,, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

A presentation by Dr Gwenda Kyd. We would be delighted to welcome any ladies who might like to dip their toes in W.I. waters, to come along and see what it’s all about.  

Event Series Over Youth Cafe

Over Youth Cafe

St Mary's Church Hall Church End, Over

Every Tuesday (term time only) at St Mary’s Church Hall.   Year 6s from 6:45 to 8:00   Years 7 upwards from 7:30 - 9:00   Variety of activities available each night & portion of food.   Only £1 a night!

Event Series Clap and Sing

Clap and Sing

Methodist Church Over The Lanes, Over, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Sessions run every Wednesday between 0915 and 1030 at the Methodist Hall.  £5 for one child plus £1 for each additional child.