The Over Players 40th Birthday!

The Over Players (TOPS) is your local Am Dram group and we have just celebrated our 40th birthday! At a birthday dinner our founder and President, Christine Turner paid tribute all the people that have been involved over the years- including some that are sadly no longer with us. “Hundreds of people have joined us on stage and behind the scenes and thanks to every one of them for making TOPS what it is today. When the Society was formed, almost every village had an amdram group but sadly many have closed. We are very fortunate to be around after 40 years thanks to the audience that has supported us by coming to see our shows.”

From left to right:   Olive Swain (Secretary), Christine Turner (President), Alex Turpin (Chairman)

The good news is that the group is still going strong but we always welcome new members including directors, producers, and backstage crew as well as performers- and not just from Over! If you are interested in joining us either on stage or behind the scenes, please see our website or contact Olive Swain our secretary by emailing You can also D.M. via Facebook or Instagram (the_over_players)

Our 2024 Spring Production will be an Old Time Music Hall, performed from 30th May to 1st June at Over Community Centre.  Before comedy clubs and variety shows were invented, Music Halls were affordable entertainment set in places with bars! If you have never been to one, it’s a chance to experience a slice of history – fancy dress is entirely optional!  You can expect songs, dances and comedy sketches all brought together by a master of ceremonies leading the audience participation with a relaxed atmosphere and lots of raucous fun. Things might get a little risqué! Ifyou’re looking for a delightful blend of entertainment, nostalgia, and audience participation, then do buy a ticket.  Box office opens on 15th April 2024. See for more details.