Update on Over Skate Park

Little update from OSKA: OSKA reached the stage a few months ago, where following some fundraising, engagement and the production of a Design Brief, we were ready to seek tenders from interested companies to work on final designs and eventually construction of a new wheeled sports park. As the land is owned by the Parish Council (PC) we needed the PC to get involved in this decision and so, after approaching them, it was agreed we would form a Working Party that consists of 3 OSKA members and 2 PC members. Together we have drawn up tender documents and have now received tenders from companies interested in working with us going forward. We now plan to present a report to OPC in November asking them to agree for us to proceed with the preferred contractor to produce detailed design and help us to apply for any grants. We hope very soon to be able to share the outline designs we have received so far and start arranging some events where you can come and speak to the contractors and have a say in the final layout!! Watch this space!!!