Willingham Medical Practice Newsletter


Willingham 01954 260230  Longstanton 01954 207600  Dispensary 01954 207602

District Nurse Team: 0330 726 0077       Health Visitors:  0300 029 5050

Out of hours cover:  Ring 111      Website: www.willinghammedicalpractice.nhs.net

A&E is not an alternative to a GP appointment. If we are closed, please call 111

Surgery Closures

Please note the surgery will be CLOSED from 1pm on WEDNESDAY 20th november for whole staff training.

Please plan ahead and make sure you have enough medication to last, remembering to order your repeats at least THREE working days before collection.

When the surgery is closed please call 111 for medical assistance, or 999 for a life threatening emergency.

For Urgent Mental Health Support, please call 111 and select option 2

NHS Talking Therapies

If you’re struggling with your mental health, you are not alone. Trouble sleeping, drinking, or eating excessively can all be indicators that your mental health may need some TLC. The NHS can help you get your feet back on the ground.   NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Talking Therapies (CPTT) provides a range of talking therapies for anxiety and depression.   If you’re over the age of 16 years and registered with a GP then you can refer yourself through their online form. There is no upper age limit, the service actively encourage referrals from people aged 65 or over, and you do not need to have a diagnosis of a mental health condition to refer yourself.
  For further information and to access the service, a self-referral can be completed by visiting https://www.cpft.nhs.uk/self-refer-here or by telephoning 0300 300 0055

Change of Personal Details

Please let us know if you change your name, address or telephone number. A change of address may mean that you are outside our practice area and our reception team will advise you on this. It is important we have your up to date contact details in case we need to contact you at any time. You are able to update us by visiting https://www.willinghammedicalpractice.nhs.uk/practice-information/change-of-personal-details/ or popping into the surgery and completing a change of details form for you and other members of your household, remembering to bring your photo ID for identification.

Private Insurance Work

The GPs will complete most private insurance documentation (e.g. claim forms for holiday cancellations, private healthcare questionnaires, factual medical reports etc) however, these are not covered under the NHS contract. As a result, because the GPs need to prioritise their clinical work, these types of requests may take a while so please allow 30 days for your request to be completed and be aware that charges will apply.


Over 65’s Flu Clinics (eligible if you are turning 65 on or before 31/03/25)   Saturday 12/10/24 at the Willingham Medical Practice   Saturday 19/10/24 at the Longstanton Surgery   (please note change of previously advertised dates)

Patient Participation Group (PPG) Meetings

The PPG brings together patients, GPs and staff from a GP practice. They meet quarterly to discuss issues relating to their surgery and the services provided to patients. This allows GPs and staff to work with patients to plan services which best meet the needs of the people who use those services. All of our patients are welcome.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 6th November, 1.30pm at the Longstanton Surgery

Carers Meeting At OUR NEW VENUE

If you are a carer for someone and need advice and financial or emotional support, please come along to our carers support meeting on Wednesday 2nd October, at the Wilford Furlong Centre in Willingham, where we will be holding a drop in session between 2pm and 4pm. Please come along and get some support from other people in the local community. Refreshments are provided, there’s no need to pre-book and it’s completely FREE! Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month and for more information please contact susan.lawson7@nhs.net

Please remember to treat all our staff with kindness and respect

Willingham Medical Practice – October 2024