Over WI – Report on July activities
The speaker at our July meeting was Nigel Fenner talking about “Cambridge’s Sporting Revolution With A Global Impact”.
Nigel told us the Over and Swavesey area was a site of national importance for ice skating. In 1895 the National Skating Association was established in Cambridge with their HQ in Mortimer Road and between 1879 and 1956 (when the weather was cold enough to permit it) the national ice-skating championships were held in Swavesey 31 times.
Nigel went on to tell us about Frank Fenner, a local tobacconist after whom the University of Cambridge Fenner’s cricket ground was named. The members enjoyed hearing about the local sporting history and seeing some of the wonderful photographs of a past era.
On July 10th we had a fabulous day out at Houghton Hall near Kings Lynn. The weather was (mostly) very kind to us as we toured the house, beautiful walled garden, deer park and interesting art installations throughout the grounds.
On July 13th W.I. members manned two pitches at the Over Carnival. Members made cakes and donated some fantastic items which enabled us to fill three luxury hampers. A huge thank you to everyone involved in the carnival organization, to our members for their hamper donations and hard work baking a lovely array of cakes, to those who manned the stalls on the day and to everyone who came along to buy cakes and raffle tickets. The day was a great success and we couldn’t have done it without you all.
Our next get together is our members-only garden party and we are praying that the weather gods will smile favourably upon us on the day.
At 7.30pm on Monday 2nd September we will be back at the Community Centre and would be delighted to welcome any ladies who might like to dip their toes in W.I. waters, to come along and see what it’s all about.
Rachel King
Over W.I.