South Cambs District Councillor (SCDC) Bill Handley’s Report to Over Village News
December 2024
SCDC contacts hundreds of South Cambs residents who could be claiming Pension Credit
As mentioned in last month’s report, recent government changes have restricted access to the Winter Fuel Payment with only pensioners who receive a means-tested benefit, such as Pension Credit, now able to receive it. It is estimated that as many as 880,000 eligible households in the UK are currently not claiming the benefit. As part of its continued cost-of-living support for residents, SCDC is using innovative software to better target its support and advice to residents, using data that they have already provided. Using this software, the council has now contacted nearly 300 households who may be missing out on the Winter Fuel Payment and is urging all pensioners in the district to check their entitlements.
The following eligibility criteria applies for the Winter Fuel Payment are if you are over the State Pension age and are receiving one of the following benefits:
• Income Support
• Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
• Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
• Pension Credit
• Universal Credit (for example, through a joint claim with your partner).
You must have been eligible between 16 and 22 September 2024 (known as the ‘qualifying week’) to receive the Winter Fuel Payment this winter. It is, however, still possible for qualifying residents to receive the payment this winter if they apply for Pension Credit by 21 December 2024 and backdate their application to 21 September 2024. It is stressed that this must be done by 21 December. More information is available here: www.gov.uk/pension-credit/how-to-claim and for additional advice and support, email SCDC’s local partner Hope CIC at office@hopeagainst.org or call them on 07474 725477. More information about SCDC’s cost-of-living support programme can be found here: Cost of living support – South Cambs District Council
Six Free Trees
SCDC is again offering Six Free Trees (or a large potted tree) to parish councils across the district to help create habitats and food for wildlife, while also playing a small part in the battle against climate change. The Six Free Trees campaign is now into its fifth year during which more than 750 trees have been planted across the district. Parish Councils have until 20th December 2024 to apply, selecting from a list of native species including field maple, alder, silver birch, hornbeam, hawthorn, beech, wild cherry, oak, rowan and crab apple. Bio-based and compostable guards, stakes and ties will also be supplied. The trees will be delivered in January 2025. More information can be found here: Free trees for South Cambridgeshire towns and villages clerk@willinghamparishcouncil.gov.uk or parishclerk@overparishcouncil.org.uk
Consultations launched on new planning development guidance documents
The Greater Cambridge Shared Planning service (for SCDC and Cambridge City Council) recently launched a consultation on three Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs). SPDs provide further information and detailed guidance on policies in the councils’ Local Plans and provide developers and infrastructure providers with clearer expectations for new schemes. The SPDs should also streamline the planning process and lead to higher quality developments across the Greater Cambridge area. The three draft documents under the consultation are:
- Planning Obligations: section 106 financial contributions which mitigate the impact of new development on homes or businesses.
- Health Impact Assessment: the impact of development on health and wellbeing.
- Cambridge Biomedical Campus (Addenbrookes): creating a well-integrated campus that benefits those working and receiving care there, and in the wider district.
The consultation is open until 24th January 2025 and the feedback gathered will play a crucial role in shaping the final documents, which are set to be completed in Spring 2025. More information and links to the consultation can be found here: Consultations launched on new development guidance documents
Bringing Empty Properties Back Into Use
SCDC estimates that there are around 2,640 empty properties in the district. This seems perverse when there is a serious shortage of homes in the district (especially smaller, more affordable ones) and so the council has recently voted to address the problem by introducing a new policy on Council Tax premiums for empty properties.
In future, properties standing empty after 2 years will pay £400 (100% increase), after 5 years they will pay £600 (200% increase) and after 10 years they will pay £800 (300% increase) although there will be some exemptions. The changes will come into force in April 2026. More information can be found here: Empty homes – South Cambs District Council
May I take the opportunity to wish all Over and Willingham residents a very Happy Christmas.
Bill Handley
District Councillor for Over and Willingham
Phone: 01954 200287 (leave a message). Email: cllr.handley@scambs.gov.uk