An update from Fen Drayton Lakes
As a nature reserve, Fen Drayton Lakes is managed with specific species in mind. These target species are determined in conversation with our ecologists and are based on the habitats present on site, the UK Red-list of endangered birds, and by the RSPB’s list of priority species.
The mosaic of diverse habitats that make up our reserve, including lakes, reedbed, and woodland means that we have a wide range of animals, plants and fungi on site. Each habitat has different target species that we aim to attract, whilst also drawing in many other species that make their homes in similar environs.
As we’ve mentioned in previous articles, our year is split between the breeding and non-breeding seasons. During the autumn and winter when many of our breeding birds are down in Africa and other creatures are hibernating or just overwintering, we carry out large-scale work to maintain and improve our habitats. Much of this work is carried out rotationally around the site and following specific methods known to achieve the required results.
The culmination of this work is when spring comes around and we carry out our breeding bird surveys. The hope is that numbers of each species have remained stable, maybe even increased, and that areas where work was carried out in the preceding months are being used.
Surveys often start early in the morning, none more so than for Bittern. These specialist reedbed herons are territorial with the males calling from pre-dawn and gradually quietening down as the morning progresses. We have had two calling this year, keeping the number stable over the past few years.
Other species we survey include a variety of songbirds in the hedgerows and scrubby areas around the site; waders and waterfowl out on the lakes and wetland margins; and gulls and terns on the islands and man-made rafts.
Moorhen chick, one of many species that breed on site –
Henry Cook
As we enter autumn, we will be reviewing our breeding figures for the year and planning our work for the next few months to keep Fen Drayton Lakes in the best possible condition for our target, and other species.
Upcoming events at Fen Drayton Lakes
Wild(ish) Camping for Groups – A unique opportunity for groups to camp on the reserve.
Wednesday Wander Guided Walk – Join our knowledgeable volunteers for a walk around the reserve.
To see further details and book for the events mentioned above, please visit:
Submitted by Manjeet Bolla, Volunteer, Fen Drayton Reserve.