South Cambs District Councillor (SCDC) Bill Handley’s Report to Over Village News – September 2024
Five Year Housing Land Supply
SCDC has published the most recent Greater Cambridge housing trajectory with housing land supply calculations. This is important to every village as without it a lot of protective planning policies fall away, as experienced in the years prior to 2018. The trajectory (which shows the anticipated delivery of new homes across the district) shows that there continues to be a healthy cushion – 6.5 years for the 2024-2029 period.
‘Cambridge 2050’ housing need
The previous Conservative government’s ‘Cambridge 2050’ proposals suggested that around 150,000 new homes would be needed to meet demand in the Greater Cambridge region. Whilst the new Labour government has not formally stated its position on this, it is clear that economic growth in our region means that the new government is unlikely to abandon the principles behind the ‘Cambridge 2050’ proposals. Local government leaders and MPs are speaking with ministers to try to understand and influence their plans and establish what changes will be needed to the emerging Local Plan.
Civil Parking Enforcement
A total of 1,757 town patrols covering 6,687 street visits were completed by the Civil Enforcement Officers (CEO) up to the end of June. Patrols have predominantly focussed on areas where parking is in the greatest demand, such as commuting and shopping areas to help prevent parking that is inconsiderate to residents.
Combined Authority Bus Consultation
Since the Transport Act of 1985, bus services have been run by commercial providers and the public sector has had no role in fare-setting, routes, and bus frequencies. However, where commercial providers opt out of providing local services, the local transport authority can step in with a publicly subsidised ‘contracted service.’ Our Local Transport Authority is the Mayoral Combined Authority and they are currently running a consultation on proposals for a new framework of services. The consultation will run until 20 November 2024 and will compare a franchising solution with an Enhanced Partnership approach. Details can be found here:
Shortlisted for LGC Workforce Awards
SCDC has been shortlisted for the LGC (Local Government Chronical) Workforce Awards in the Best Wellbeing Innovation category for its four-day week trial. This award is aimed at a councils that have demonstrated a commitment to the mental and physical wellbeing of its staff, and that really stands out from the crowd with its offer. The winner will be announced 5 November.
Bill Handley September 2024.
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