The Over Players – Pantomime 2024 – Oh, yes it is!

The Over Players Panto is announced. This year will we be performing the well-loved story of the spellbound sleeping princess, Sleeping Beauty.

For those new to the area, The Over Players is our local Amdram group, drawing membership from a very wide area including Willingham, Swayesey, Longstanton and Northstowe to name just a few.

Are you keen to tread those boards? Maybe you prefer to be involved behind the scenes, perhaps you are interested in make-up, costumes, stage set construction or the technical side. Or maybe helping during the performances as stage crew, musician or chaperones? We are a lovely group and open to anyone year 7 or above (we have no upper age limit!). You will be given a very warm welcome in whatever capacity you are keen to try.

There are many opportunities to be involved so check out these dates for your diary. All events will take place either at the Church Hall in Over or aHaHhat the Over Community Centre.

  • 4 September Read Through 7.30-10pm
  • 8 September Performance Workshop 4pm-7pm
  • 11 September Open Auditions for lead roles (no audition for chorus members) from 7pm
  • 18 September First Rehearsal
  • 10-14 December Show dates

Contact for more information. Let the magic begin!

Submitted by Candy Smellie