Willingham Medical Practice January Newsletter


Willingham 01954 260230  Longstanton 01954 207600  Dispensary 01954 207602

District Nurse Team: 0330 726 0077       Health Visitors:  0300 029 5050

Out of hours cover:  Ring 111      Website: www.willinghammedicalpractice.nhs.net

A&E is not an alternative to a GP appointment. If we are closed, please call 111.

NEW YEAR – Surgery Opening Hours

Please note that we will be CLOSED at the weekends in addition to the bank holiday on Wednesday 1st January. Normal opening hours on all other days during the holiday period.

Please plan ahead and make sure you have enough medication. The last date for ordering repeat medication before New Year will be Tuesday 24th December. The last date for collection before the New Year is Tuesday 31st December by 4pm at Longstanton Surgery and 6pm at Willingham.

When the surgery is closed please call 111 for medical assistance, or 999 for a life threatening emergency.

For Urgent Mental Health Support, please call 111 and select option 2

Details of local Pharmacies that will be open over the bank holidays will be posted on the surgery doors, and also on social media and our website.

NHS Health Check

If you’re in the 40 to 74 age group without a pre-existing condition, you should receive a letter from us or the local council inviting you for a free NHS Health Check every five years. You can also call us to book a Health Check.

The NHS Health Check is a health check-up for adults in England aged 40 to 74. It’s designed to spot early signs of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia. As we get older, we have a higher risk of developing one of these conditions. An NHS Health Check helps find ways to lower this risk.

Find out if you are eligible by visiting https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/nhs-health-check/

Surgery Closure
Please note the surgery will be CLOSED from 1pm on THURSDAY 23rd JANUARY for whole staff training.

Please plan ahead and make sure you have enough medication to last, remembering to order your repeats at least THREE working days before collection.

Contacting the Surgery

Emails to the surgery are not the appropriate route for our patients to make clinical contact with the GP and we ask that you do not convey any clinical information this way. This includes, for example, asking clinical questions, letting the GP know that you are changing doses of your medication or wanting to update the GP before attending an appointment with them. On receipt of such emails, our only response will be to ask you make a GP appointment.

Please also note that we are unable to book appointments via email or our AccuRx Patient Triage system. You are able to make your appointment via SystemOnline, by using the NHS App or telephoning the surgery and speaking to our reception team.


The Community Matron is an experienced, senior nurse who works closely with patients, primarily those with a serious long-term condition or complex range of conditions, in a community setting. The matron will plan and organise patient care. Community matrons also act as a case manager providing a single point of contact for care, support or advice. Please contact the surgery if you feel that our Community Matrons can offer you or a family member any support.

Pension Credits – Are You Claiming?

1,053 households in the South Cambridgeshire District Council area are entitled to Pension Credit due to their household income and are NOT claiming it – ARE YOU ONE OF THESE? This amounts to £2,801,690 per year. If you are eligible, not only can Pension Credit payments be backdated 3 months, you can also claim Winter Fuel Allowance.

For further information about how to claim visit:

https://apply-for-pension-credit.service.gov.uk/apply-citizen-ui/start or telephone 0800 99 1234

Carers Meetings
If you are a carer for someone and need advice and financial or emotional support, please come along to our carers support meeting on Wednesday 8th January, at the Wilford Furlong Centre in Willingham, where we will be holding a drop in session between 2pm and 4pm. Please come along and get some support from other people in the local community. Refreshments are provided, there’s no need to pre-book and it’s completely FREE! Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month and for more information please contact susan.lawson7@nhs.net

All staff at the Willingham and Longstanton Surgeries wish our patients a VERY happy & healthy 2025

Willingham Medical Practice – January 2025