An Update from Over Gardening Club
We hope everyone enjoyed their gardens this summer.
Our programme of gardening themed talks begins again in September.
On Wednesday 18th September we are having a talk by George Lockwood about spring bulbs.
On that evening we are also holding the judging of our annual growing competition – a free begonia tuber was handed out to each member in spring this year. From comments we are expecting very mixed results…
We are also having our usual flower of the month competition – where members can bring in a cut flower from their garden and share information.
On Wednesday 16th October we are having a talk about the history of NIAB by Tim Henshaw.
At that meeting we will also be asking members to bring in spare plants to sell to raise funds for the club. This is the perfect time of year to be sorting out borders and splitting up large clumps of perennials. Again we are having the flower of the month competition.
All club meetings are held in the main hall at OCC and start at 7.30pm.
At each club meeting we also have a lovely raffle to help boost our funds.
A copy of our full programme of speakers and events is on display in the foyer of OCC.
At the start of the summer we started a Facebook Page exclusively for Over Gardening Club members, which enables us to easily share gardening information and photos so we hope this will be very useful in the future.
Visitors are very welcome to our club evenings for an entry fee of £3 per visit.
If you have any queries about the club you can email us at ‘gardeningclubover@gmail.com’.
Enjoy your gardening while the good weather lasts.
Pam Allars
Secretary of Over Gardening Club